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This School was established and elaborated by divine revelation and leading to save and preserve families and generations for God on a world characterised by evil, perverseness and wickedness.. God desires to have just one person to stand in the gap as a family Priest. In having a people unto himself, God had a man by the name Abraham, then his family which became a people and a nation that will be his people and he their God. This was made possible through the instrumentality of the family Priesthood. 1Pet 2:9. In the same vein, God has given the SCHOOL OF FAMILY PRIESTHOOD a mandate to raise a man from every family to become a custodian of the knowledge of God, to teach his family the way of the LORD, to bring the family to the awareness of divine generational covenant and blessings as a family Priest.

Is to make God known, follow and serve as him ascthe God of the individual family in every generation as well as doing same to the human family all over the world. God is seeking for Men, Women, Boys and Girls who would be trained tobstand in the gap for their families.

In this perverse and cruel world that we are today God is counting on you and I as INSTRUMENTS in his hands to pull down the schemes the devil and enforce his will in the Families and Generations. May you be the one. Take advantage of this programme to prepare and equip yourself for what lies ahead. We offer Certificate Course in Family Priesthood and Advance Course in family Priesthood.