We are the best school

Welcome to Liberty Bible College

Liberty Bible College started way back in 2010 as unstructured Ministers' classes in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. In the year 2015, it metamorphosised into a full blown Bible School known as Liberty Bible Institute.

Liberty Bible College was founded based on God's revelation and his grace on Apostle Albert O. Useghesomo. His life and experience of well over six decades in Ministry inspired and impacted on the School.

His practical teachings, trainings and exemplary life in Ministry, marriage and family life coupled with his depth in the Word and fundamentally his walk with God informed the process. He was a practical teacher of the Word who was given to less talk but powerful in character.

School of Ministry


School of Family Priesthood

School of Deliverance and Healing

School of the Samuels

School of Governance and Leadership


School of Marriage and Family Life Summer camps


School of the Prophets


School of the Spirit
