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School of Biblical Governance and Leadership. Isaiah 9:6, Gen 2:6-8. Biblical Governance otherwise known as Godly Governance is not new to us. It is found in the bible as early as creation when God created the world and all that is in it, he entrusted it's care and governance to Adam and his posterity, humankind as God's representative. He was mandated to exert dominion over all of His creation. Since Man is created in the image and likeness of God, our oversight of his creation ought to reflect his image and his character.

This school exposes us to the fact that governance is divine, therefore it's operations and functions must be divinely directed.

Note, no Nation in the world can successfully thrive without the template of divinity (God). The school offers a broad base knowledge of what biblical Governance and leadership are all about and how they should serve divine purpose.